
Restoring Voices and Identity with Neuroengineering

Lee Miller vividly recalls the day in 2021 when he met a woman who had lost the function of her vocal cords. In hoarse, whispering tones she explained how her voice had been instrumental to her vocation. Losing it, she said, undercut her life’s purpose. Her words were faint, but the lesson was powerful.

2024 Child Fund Seed Grant Recipients

The CMB is pleased to award two new research initiatives supported by seed grants from the Child Family Fund!  One award goes to CMB Professor Lee Miller for his work "Precise Localization of Epilepsy using Noninvasive EEG" and another to CMB Professors Katie Graf-Estes and Lisa Oakes for their work "The dynamics of parent-infant shared book reading".

Psychologist of ‘Attention’ Receives UC Davis Teaching Prize

How the brain remembers has a lot to do with focus. It’s in this area of cognitive science that Steven Luck, professor of psychology at the University of California, Davis, has built a career pushing the frontiers of both science and teaching.

NPB Professor Lee Miller Awarded UC Davis STAIR Grant to Advance Solutions in Human Health

The University of California, Davis, is awarding over $480,000 to help scientists advance compelling research and innovations toward commercial applications through the Science Translation and Innovative Research (STAIR™) proof-of-concept grant program. The program plays an important role in helping campus innovators bridge the early-stage hurdle of access to funding during one of the most challenging phases in new technology development.


UCD: Teen Girls’ Brains React to Rejection

Everyone ruminates about the bad things that happen to them. Whether it’s a nasty breakup, an embarrassing failure or simply when someone is mean, it can be hard to stop thinking about what happened and why. For people who ruminate too much, this negative thought pattern can cause lasting problems with mental health.

$900K NSF Grant to Help Researchers Probe the Cognitive Brain Mechanisms Behind Free Will

Funded by a three-year $900,000 grant from the National Science Foundation, Distinguished Professor George R. Mangun, director of the UC Davis Center for Mind and Brain, is launching a project to better understand the cognitive mechanisms behind realistic voluntary attention, or attention directed by an individual’s free will. The project will be conducted in collaboration with engineering colleagues at the University of Florida.